The Cognitive Reserve Index questionnaire (CRIq) aims to collect and estimate the amount of cognitive reserve acquired during a person's lifetime. In a single index (CRI), the questionnarie conveys three main sources of cognitive reserve: edudcation, working activity, and leisure time activities.
"The term Cognitive Reserve refers to the adaptability (i.e., efficiency, capacity, flexibility) of cognitive processes that helps to explain differential susceptibility of cognitive abilities or day-to-day function to brain aging, pathology, or insult"
(Stern et al, 2018, p. 1306)
Mondini, S., Pucci, V., Pastore, M., Gaggi, O., Tricomi, P. P., & Nucci, M. (2023). s-CRIq: the online short version of the Cognitive Reserve Index Questionnaire. Aging clinical and experimental research, 1-8.
Nucci, M., Mapelli, D., & Mondini, S. (2012). The cognitive Reserve Questionnaire (CRIq): a new instrument for measuring the cognitive reserve. Aging clinical and experimental research, 24, 218-126.
Sara Mondini
FISPPA - University of Padua
Massimo Nucci
DPG - University of Padua
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